Some Issues of Transboundary Marriage in Social Development in Vietnam Today (20/10/2016)

Transboundary marriage is a social phenomenon occurred through history and made new issues emerging in the context of integration and development today. Transboundary marriage left not small impacts on the development of frontier area in Vietnam. Except for the traditional factor as transboundary family relationship leading to the current marriage, transboundary marriage potentially causes some social problems as migration, transboundary work, transboundary women and children trafficking, transboundary crime, etc. This article analyses transboundary marriage trend in a certain number of frontier provinces in Vietnam today and clarifies problems emerging in transboundary marriage management with social development.
Author: Dr. Dang Thi Hoa

Study Approaches on Vietnamese Personality (20/10/2016)

Study on personality has been analyzed with different scales, scopes, objectives and from different angles as psychology, sociology, ethics, jurisprudence, etc. Many trends of study on personality in psychology have been formed and robustly developed among countries in the world during 1970s, 1980s. In Vietnam, study on Vietnamese personality was initially focused through the very first work on Vietnamese people by Dao Duy Anh, Nguyen Văn Huyen and other scientists, then, this type of study on Vietnamese drew much attention by the circle of psychologists. Today, on author’s point of view, study on Vietnamese personality mentioned not only through psychology but also from different researching angles as: ethics, culture and literature, interdisciplinary social sciences, philosophy.
Author: MA. Pham Thu Trang

Impact of Program 135 on the Muong’s Subsistence in Cam Thuy District, Thanh Hoa Province (20/10/2016)

For the past time, with the impact of Program 135, the subsistence of the Muong people in Cam Thuy district, Thanh Hoa province (notably in 4 focal communes of our study as Cam Giang, Cam Luong, Cam Lien and Cam Thanh) have been significantly and swiftly changed, though remained at low level. This change was expressed from the human capital to the natural, financial, material and social resources. At this point, the importance of Program 135 to the subsistence of the local Muong people can be realized, notably the investment process of power supply, roads, schools, medical stations that promoting investment in production.
Author: MA. Nguyen The Anh