Aleksandr Gelievich Dugin’s Neo-Eurasian Doctrine and Its Geopolitical Implications (30/11/2022)
Professor Aleksandr Gelievich Dugin (Александр Гельевич Дугин) of Moscow State University Lomonosov is a political activist whose ideology has exerted considerable influence in Russia for about 30 years. While inheriting Russian anti-Western ideas dating back to the 19th century, his “Neo-Eurasianism” is further enhanced by the nostalgia for Russia’s past under the great tsars and part of the powerful Soviet Federation. Dugin’s basic thesis is that rather than economic factors, geographical ones are the core cause of Russian power now and then. He called on the Russians to carry out a mission to revive the past, oppose the West and NATO, exercise control over the surrounding peoples, and permanently dominate the center of Eurasia. While mostly promoted as a significant spiritual factor in Russia since 2008, Neo-Eurasianism is considered the one causing negative consequences for Russia, Europe and the world, especially since the breakout of the Russia-Ukraine conflict.
Ho Si Quy
Building a Rule of Law State in Some Countries and Suggestions for Vietnam (30/11/2022)
The paper analyzes the rule of law state model in terms of core ideological values which are universally recognized in certain political, legal, economic, and social conditions of some countries with a long tradition of building the rule of law state, namely, Germany, France, the United States, and the United Kingdom, as well as Russia and China who used to be or are pursuing socialism, respectively. Based on international experience and requirements as well as universal characteristics of the rule of law, some lessons are drawn for state-building in association with the specific context of Vietnam.
Le Mai Thanh
The Sponsorship of Public Culture and Arts by Private Enterprises in Japan (30/11/2022)
In Japan, over the past half-century, along with increasing reforms in socioeconomic aspects, significant changes have also occurred in the awareness and actions of the central and local governments, as well as various social resources in demonstrating national power through culture and arts. Especially, the private sector plays a critical role among others. The article provides a literature review by Japanese scholars on the private enterprises’ sponsorship of culture and arts since the last decades of the 20th century. This is believed a useful source of lessons for Vietnam in mobilizing resources for developing culture and arts, as well as raising national status.
Nguyen Duong Do Quyen
The China Strategy of the President Joe Biden Administration (30/11/2022)
Under Donald Trump’s administration, the U.S. policy toward China undergoes profound changes as the U.S. considers China a “top strategic competitor”, a threat to the international security, and also the biggest foreign threat to America. The next President - Joe Biden, regardless of his less extreme perspectives, still basically maintains important policies from the Trump’s era and develops them into specific strategies. The article presents the Joe Biden administration’s late approach to China, and the strategic policies that the U.S. has been and will be implementing in the near future.
Pham Phuong Ha
Religion in Modern Society (30/11/2022)
Religion has long gone through a history of relatively complicated changes, adaptations and existence in social life. Since a few centuries ago, given the decline of faith and the rejection of religious practice occurring in Western Europe, many scholars have relied on secularization to explain the religious decline which is caused by an increasingly industrialized society and rational spiritual growth. However, to this day, religion seems to have an indispensable role despite the ever-expanding process of industrialization and the increasing level of rationality worldwide. While there is no denying the growing secularization trend in the world social life, one must also admit that religion also moves and adapts quite quickly to changes and remains a kind of spiritual power, which covers the function of problem-solving in modern society while cannot be handled by technology, science or politics and economics.
Nguyen Thi Le
Approaching Public Opinion as a Cultural Phenomenon (30/11/2022)
Public opinion is receiving increasing research interest. Through various perspectives, it provokes a comprehensive awareness of the subject and satisfies interdisciplinary requirements being posed in current social-scientific research. Therefore, in addition to familiar approaches by sociology, psychology and politics, exploring public opinion from the perspective of cultural studies shall also make a significant contribution. To understand public opinion from the perspective of cultural studies, it’s necessary to: (i) focus on the meaning of the subject’s behavior; (ii) put public opinion in relation to power; (iii) put public opinion in the cultural framework.
Nguyen Giao, Le Thi Thuy Ly
Family - schools Partnership in Child Case and Education in Terms of Morality and Lifestyle (30/11/2022)
Family and school play an essential role in influencing the form of a child’s personality. In Vietnam in recent years, as part of the social mobilization in education, family-school partnership in child care has become increasingly concerned in improving the quality and effectiveness of child education towards a more comprehensive child development. Based on a literature review on the given topic, the article presents the following main ideas: (i) The significance of family-school partnership in child care and education in general and in terms of morality and lifestyle in particular; (ii) Some familyschool partnership activities in child care and education regarding morality and lifestyle; and (iii) Measures to strengthen this partnership.
Luong Thi Thu Trang