Vietnam in Failed States Index 2005-2006 (14/02/2017)
The Failed States Index (FSI) is an annual report published by the Fund for Peace (of United States) on the magazine Foreign Policy since 2005. Since then, the report is welcomed annually. There are critical opinions of it, but most scholars and states, including the states who are ranked negatively, still recognize the relative objectivity of this method of evaluating the failed state. At least this is the basis for each state to evaluate itself. Even United States also has not been classified in good rank since 2005 until now, despite its position as number one superpower. Of course, like other think tanks, the Fund for Peace makes the research on ranking the failed states for their strategic demand first of all. But this does not mean they don’t care for the objectivity and the scientific importance of the problem. The reactions of the public certainly is a basis for the perfection of research.
Since 2005 up to now, although Vietnam is among the states ranked in “warning” zone of the index table, but it is always among 50 states having the failure index and always is evaluated as much more successful than China. This demonstrates that Vietnam has achieved the significantly positive results in economic reform, in containing the inflation, and in macroscale political stability.
According to the failed states index, Vietnam is the fourth successful state in ASEAN countries. Although the growth speed of its economy still is sometimes high sometimes low, but it has not political unstableness, and its socio-economic changes are still in the limits that don’t change much the rank of component indicators.
Prof. Dr. Ho Si Quy
Tran Nhan Tong Dharmic Zen and Diplomatic Messages for Posterities (14/02/2017)
More than 7 centuries have passed, but the magnific portrait of the King-Buddha Tran Nhan Tong still remains forever in the inner mind of every Vietnamese as the sublime of soul and the wisdom of intellect of an eminent politician and diplomatist in the form of Zen Buddhist. It is not by chance that today the image of Tran Nhan Tong is known in the world as a noble symbol of personality, love and reconciliation in the name of the good of Vietnamese nation since generations. Since 2014, the Tran Nhan Tong international prize in reconciliation is awarded annually in 9th September by Tran Nhan Tong Academy (of Harvard University) to excellent personalities who engage in reconciliation cause and love between states, religions and nations. This fact is the vivid proof of attractive pervasiveness of the thought and diplomatic principles bequeathed by Tran Nhan Tong to posterities. If his system of thought has mission to put the aim for activities, including diplomatic activity, then Dharmic Zen of Tran Nhan Tong is very way of opening the road to that final aim, transforming the diplomacy of that time into artistry of impossible things. This article talks about core thoughts of Dharmic diplomacy of Tran Nhan Tong.
Dr. Nguyen Thi My Hanh
Some Features of Information Resource on Vietnam Sea and Islands (14/02/2017)
In theory and practice of information activities, information resource is an important element of any profession. On state scale, information resource is considered as the measure of country development, of social development criteria and civilisation level of nation. Vietnam is a state having three sides - eastern, southern and south-western sides - opened to the East Sea, with a sea shore being 3,260 km long from Mong Cai to Ha Tien. The part under sovereignty of Vietnam in the East Sea spreads to the East and South-East, surrounded by continental shelf, islands and big and small archipelagoes. In building the state information resource in general and information resource on the sea and islands in particular to be exploited efficiently in service of building and protecting state sovereignty, the study of features of information resource on sea and islands of a country is very important. This article presents some of these features of Vietnam today.
MA. Pham Thi Thu Huong
Applying the IPA Model in Evaluating the Important Attributes of Universities in Vietnam - A View of Senior High School Students (14/02/2017)
In Vietnam, many education managers of university considered education and training as service type, and they saw the importance of providing good training services to satisfying and attracting the students. In this study, the author uses IPA model (Importance - Performance Analysis) in order to evaluate the importance of attributes of university from the view of senior high school students - those who will benefit from education service and will become universitarian students in the coming future. Hence, the author also hopes to contribute to helping education managers with identification of strong and weak points of university, thence proposing resolutions for better satisfying the needs of potential students.
MA. Nguyen Thi Kim Chi