Multilateral Poverty: Approach and Application in Vietnam Reality (22/03/2017)
In the previous studies on poverty, the method of evaluation and measurement of poverty was still based on income and expenditure indicators; normative poverty was defined on expenditure for the basic needs of human. In reality, this unilateral based-on-income approach is not adequate to multilaterality of poverty, because there are the poverty dimensions that couldn’t be measured by income or expenditure. Therefore, application of multilateral approach will overcome the weak points of the old approach, at the same time will satisfy the needs for aid of the poors and the near poors. This change of approach from unilateral to multilateral approach to measuring poverty will facilitate to recognize more exactly the poors, satisfying various basic social needs. This is the important basis for making policies of durable poverty reduction, step by step reducing the insufficience among regions and population groups, and enhancing the efficiency of aid policies. The article refers to some concepts, approach and indexes of poverty measure by multilateral approach.
Associate Prof. PhD. Dang Nguyen Anh, PhD. Tran Nguyet Minh Thu
Inequality of Living Standard in Vietnam Rural Areas Through Using Agrarian Land of Households (22/03/2017)
The article generally presents some results of ministerial project (2015-2016) on “Inequality of living standard in Vietnam rural areas through using and managing lands today” under the direction of author and the administration of Institute for Sociology, studying the influences of agrarian land resources on living standard of people in 20 years (1992-2012), based on the analysis and deeply treating data of 8 investigations on living standard of representative populations of entire country, realized by General Statistics Office from 1992 to 2012. Study results showed that, increased inequality in Vietnam manifested in social polarization, in which a pole represents wealthy group with highest living standard, another is the rest (among which poor household group has lowest living standard). The process of concentration of agrarian lands (including cultivation lands, forestlands, aquatic lands, salt-industry lands..., among which cultivation lands have the primary place) is deploying relatively slow in Vietnam rural ereas. In the period of 20 years from 1992 to 2012, factor of agrarian lands also had impact on reduction of poor households and on increase of wealthy households, and enhanced living standard of rural households, but not as much as other foctors.
PhD. Do Thien Kinh