The World and Vietnam’s Economy in 2014-2015: Recovery Efforts for Propelling into a New Growth Orbit (25/03/2016)

A book entitled “The World and Vietnam’s Economy in 2014-2015: Recovery Efforts for Propelling into a New Growth Orbit” chief authored by Prof. Dr. Nguyen Xuan Thang (Social Sciences Publishing House, Hanoi, 2015) show readers a panorama of the economy of the world, different countries and regions in 2014 and in the early months of 2015; at the same time, analyze the prominent features of Vietnam’s economy in 2014 and in the early months of 2015 locating in the roadmap of 30 years of Doi Moi based on analytical framework for policy. This article briefly introduces the main content of the book.
Author: Prof. Dr. Nguyen Xuan Thang

Vietnam in the Center-Periphery Relations from the Viewpoint of Sociocultural Spatial Theory (25/03/2016)

In relations between Vietnam and Northeast Asia, Vietnam shouldn't regard China as the only center that satisfies any development requirements. The success of Japan and Republic of Korea indicates the fact that a country can select itself many centers for utilizing advanced conditions to develop. We have been pursuing multilateral policy in international relations. However, scattering multilateral relations will result in dispersive cooperation without utilizing the strong points of some spearheads of the world. In this light, we still utilize the positive resources from the China center, but we should select other centers as partners. We had better place the center-periphery relations as priority, not disperse multilateral international relations. The current center-periphery relations is the center-periphery interaction in sociocultural space of the "flat world" beyond the ecological space. This fact requires us to change our traditional view on close three-dimension sociocultural space. That is the sense of selecting center in global world, if we don’t want to be left behind in periphery status.
Author: Associate Prof. Dr. Nguyen Van Dan

The Category of Political Power in the Modern Politics (25/03/2016)

Modern politics (from the second half of the XX century to the present time) while continues the existing research trends, it also open new trends of study, what clearify many important and meaningful issues of power - the central and original category of polical science. The results of the study of power become the basics for research of political power’s structure and implementation, political processes, public policies, political culture, homo politicus, and international politics, etc.
Author: Associate Prof. Dr. Le Minh Quan